Conceived to inform about sustainable development as in ‘Arborea’, to prepare for diving as in ‘Trieste’, or in the creative use of literacy technologies as in ‘Cinecittà dei bambini’ in Rome, these were projects for spaces and educational design products built to improve the quality of life for children of all ages. In some cases it meant the complete design of all the elements such as in Cosenza, or a catalog of industrially designed furniture such as in the kindergartens and elementary schools of Mantua. Ecological aspects and the industrial recycling of plastics has been taken into consideration in every project.
Center for Environmental Education, ARBOREA
Cinecittà dei bambini, ROME
Città dei ragazzi, COSENZA
International Cooperation Project, TAEJON
Laboratory for Musical Education, FORLÌ
Giocarredo, MANTUA
Design for school, MANTUA
Multidisciplinary Laboratory, GROSSETTO
Museo della Riserva Marina di Miramare, TRIESTE